Providing broadcast quality equipment to the film and television industry for over 25 years.
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Richmond Film Services opening hours
Please note our new extended opening hours are 9:00 - 18:00 Monday - Friday.
Richmond Film Services
Building 11, Shepperton Studios
Studios Road
TW17 0QD

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Richmond Film Services have been sound hire specialists for over 25 years providing broadcast quality equipment to the film and television industry. We have a vast range of sound equipment for hire and for sale. We also boast a full workshop facility including cable repair and construction.
This website is designed to give you an indication of the type of equipment we hire. A full list of equipment available can be downloaded from this site.
We stock over 2000 items so please contact us for more information about any products you require whether they are featured or not.
We are also able to source additional equipment not listed.
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- Amplifiers and Speakers
- Analogue Mixers
- Analogue Recorders
- Batteries and Chargers
- Cables
- Camera Equipment
- Carrying Cases
- Communications
- Compressor-Limiter-Gates
- Consumables
- Digital Mixers
- Digital Recorders
- Distribution
- Equalisation
- Headphones and Accessories
- Metering
- Microphone Amplifiers
- Microphone Components
- Microphone Power Supplies
- Miscellaneous
- Mono Microphones
- Noise Reduction
- Personal Microphones and Accessories
- Props
- Radio Microphones
- Recordable Media
- Reverbs-Samplers
- Rycote
- Sales
- Signal Processing
- Stand Clips and Shock Mounts
- Stands
- Stereo Microphones
- Sync Pulse Generator
- Tapes and Cassettes
- Telecommunications
- Time Code Equipment
- Valve Microphones